Kmart World!


what is kmart world well kmart world is a website built on neocities kmart world gives history and facts about kmart also includes vintage photos of kmart stuff thats what kmart world is Thank You For Visiting Kmart World:

Here are some cool kmart facts:

s.s. kresge openend its first ever kmart branded store in garden city michigan in the year 1962 here is a vintage photo of the first ever kmart opened:

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here is a newspaper from when kmart opend its 271th kmart store in the 1970s!:

here is a photo of a limited edition kmart tops baseball card box from the 1980s:

here is a part of a newspaper from when kmart was opening its first store in 1962:

kmart history: over 100 years ago before kmart there was s.s. kresge co founded by sebastion spering kresge s.s.kresge was a retail store that sold stuff for cheap because it was a bargin store s.s.kresge co stores have been around since 1899 s.s.kresge co survived 2 wars world war 1 and world war 2 in 1962 s.s.kresge opended the first kmart branded store witch was a big hit during its first years of operating sadly in 1969 s.s.kresge died at the age of 99 later on kmart introduced somthing new called the blue light speacial witch was a sucsess did you know that kmart was the first major company to fille for chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2002.

here is a vintage photo of s.s.kresge co the company that created kmart

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